Kapewe Pukeni Original

Kapewe Pukeni Original


Original Available

Important: For purchase of original paintings please contact me at to arrange payment and shipping!

“Kapewe Pukeni”, acylic on canvas, aprox 120x190 cm. This is a unique painting that was made during an art workshop in the remote area of the Jordão River in the Brazilian Amazon, in collaboration with three Huni Kuin artists. This painting is unique because of its large impacting size, the ancestral story it tells and the level of details and combined art techniques of the four artists.

“Kapewe Pukeni” means the alligator bridge. The story of the alligator bridge is an ancestral tradition of the Pano ethnic group of the Amazon, that tells of how the original or first people lived together in one side of the river. One day, a great alligator appeared and some of the villagers decided to cross the river and discover the other side, and so the people where divided into different nations.

The resources gained from this painting will be used to facilitate another workshop with the Huni Kuin artists of Jordão River, as well as providing materials for the continuation of their studies.

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